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Friday, September 17, 2010

Just A Short Note....Or So

Wow, It has been a fast week and I don't know where to start. I think I'll start by saying this will be a short post.  I'll explain in a minute.  First of all, m Diabetes has gone whack.  I forgot a day here and there.  My blood sugar has been Topsy Turvy.  I have all this Diabetic information and I don't do a darn thing about it.  Problem is; I'm so caught up into this whole Internet and trying to make a buck thing.  I also started Physical Therapy.  My daughter also wanted some movies downloaded.  She loves the fact that I have MoviesCapital.  Its the legitimate movies for download.  You can check it out by Clicking Here.
Anyway, I guess I did OK on football today.  I haven't even had a chance to check it out lately.  I guess you could say I have devoted a lot of my attention to My Website.  I am on a really shoestring budget which makes it hard to get moving as fast as I want.  I lost some sleep over it and even had a couple Diabetic scares from not eating.  I want this project to work because I don't have the money like others do.  My Hosting Fee and Another Blog took up all my money.  That also means that I have to post on that blog as well.  Then in the back of mind is starting another blog or website using WordPress.  But then I stop and think.  "I'm spreading myself to thin."  Heck, it took me 4 hours just to go through all my e-mails.  
I'll tell you another thing that I'm going to add in my posts.  There is a ton of free tools  online to a person with a website or blog.  My plans are to let reader of this blog know about these free (absolutely free) items.  And there are a few people out there who will actually help you.  I even found a guru that helps with advice from time to time.  I can't give out his name or site because I haven't asked yet.  I'll let you know.  I 'll sign off for now (time for diabetes medicine) and give you the name of my business site:  Internet Business Ideas and Opportunities.  You can check it out by Clicking Here.

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