11/08 It seems that I have been off point and missing the purpose of my Blog. I have been caught up in my new website and trying to make a business and I forgot where I started. I do care for my readers (lol, right now that’s me) and it’s time for a change. So it’s time to get back on point. I still will however; bring up my other ventures from time to time to post. I also have a few new things I’m going to add as my knowledge of websites increases. So to push one “cudo” towards my business and then forget about it for the rest of the post: If you haven’t checked out my Home Business Website it is: www.Caldet.com. It also has a Blog: www.Caldet.com/articles and an addition article page: www.Caldet.com/personals. Visit them if you like and make a post or two or take advantage of a free Business Opportunity.
My Diabetes has also been secondary lately. I have purposely missed a few “sticks” and skipped on my Diabetic Medicine. I think one of the reasons is that I trying to fool myself into thinking that I don’t have a problem with Diabetes. On a few occasions that I took my medicine, I found out that I don’t know a dam thing about it. You see I took my medication and didn’t eat properly. Therefore my blood sugar dropped to WAY BELOW what it should be and I became somewhat delirious. It happened twice and is not a good feeling. I had to quickly eat a lot of food and sugars. So if anybody is reading, let me hear about that.
I think I did pretty well this weekend as far as Fantasy Football is concerned. Last week was a killer with many of my players on bye week. My substitutes didn’t fare too well. I have also neglected my teams lately. Part of the problem is that when I signed up for those 46 leagues, I wasn’t doing anything else with my laptop. I was lazy and just watching too much TV. Now, with so many projects in hand, I will have to find time to balance all of them. Enough Straying. Tonight my Steelers take on the Bengals. This is a must win. Oh, and I forgot to mention them Cowboys. OOOOH! that feels so good that ASS WHOOPING! They took last night. One troubling thought: Bill Cohwer has been mentioned as a possible replacement for next year. If he is the next coach, that will be a deep blow for STEELER loyalists.
Since I’m on a self-revelation trip, let me say a couple things about my High School Days. My first two years I was the skinny geek who got the good grades and really didn’t have any friends. My last two years I bulked up, go a little better good looking, grades slipped a little, but in all honesty I still didn’t have too many friends. I did spend a lot of time trying to bribe friends by having the parties at my house and pitching in a lot when it came to beer purchases. I have always been a competitive person and that includes who could drink the most. I believe this was the start of my blood sugar problems. And that wasn’t the only thing. I look back now and I think this was the start of my addictive personality.
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