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Friday, September 17, 2010

Pre-Holiday Note!

11/14- Ahhh, the Holidays are upon us.  It’s during these times that people either get really happy, festive and overall very heartwarming.  Or, they become grumpy, agitated and sometimes short tempered.  Depending on the day, I think I am both and it just depends on whether I've eaten and if I have any money.  I think that problem affects many people.  The hardest part this season is now I’m a Diabetic.  I’m generally considered a big fellow and I know during the holidays I do have a big appetite.  Now I have to think about what I’m going to eat and how much I’m going to eat.  Or I can say “Screw it” and blow the whole Diabetes thing out the window.  I have considered the latter.  I love to cook (been trying to get a cooking job for years).  I especially like making breads and pastries during this time.  It’s a good thing my professional blender is in storage and there is a Scrooge in the house, because this place would be a Diabetic Nightmare.  I have been reading up on “Great Tasting” Diabetic Holiday Foods.  I’ll keep you informed.

This is a pre-football day post so I won’t know how I did.  I can say that out of the 46 teams I have, I believe I have about 16 that are in playoff contention.  That is a 35% average.  Not great but considering I haven’t played Fantasy Football is about 5 years and this is only my second time doing it.  I didn’t even know much about the players unless they were from Pittsburgh.  Speaking of Football, I finally got approved by FatHead.  You can check them out by Clicking Here (spend $99 or more, get free "Teammate") or the image on the sidebar.  Great thing is they now have Armed Forces Insignias.  On that word a Big shout out to our loved ones serving and who have served and the two military holidays that just passed.  If you don’t know them, it was Veteran’s Day and my beloved Marine Corps Birthday (November 10).  Anyway back on football, it’s a good day when a person watches as Dallas isn’t worth a darn and Brett Farve is finally retiring.  Don’t know how my Steelers will be doing things are looking good.  My daughter and the Scrooge like Oakland and it seems they might be doing something this year (hey, they beat Kansas City finally).

The first thing you need to know about a home business is that it’s not the laid back, autopilot, easy work that some marketer present as.  That is to say, if you don’t have a lot of money.  If you have money, setting up an online business can be fairly easy.  You should still have a job because you will probably need about $150 (just a semi-educated guess) a month to help maintain your business website.  Now that is not to say it’s impossible if you don’t have a lot of money.  It just requires more time and patience.  If you are like me and have NO MONEY, well, I’ll let you know.  I will tell you one other thing, its fun and educating.  Oh, I would also recommend educating yourself on HTML and FTP.  This is a big must for the unwealthy sods!  But having your own business opportunities is rewarding in its own rite.  It has kept me away from the TV (except football) and leaves me with little sleep (so much to do).

I remember this one time my Junior year in High School (here’s a misadventure) that was particularly embarrassing.  I and about 3 friends were driving around our small town with a case of quarts(beer). Yes I know all the warnings (Legal, lethal, diabetic health and whatever your opinion might be) and such but it was the early 80’s and in our town it pretty much was a common and not too many people got hurt.  Anyway, were cruising around and the next thing you know police lights are flashing behind us!  The majority of the beer was in the trunk but we each had a quart on us.  A friend in back quickly grabbed mine and we hoped for the best.  First thing, my mom was a State Police Officer so she didn’t’ work in town and Pops was County so I was fairly confident it wasn’t them and I could use a little “Family Blood” influence.  “DAMB I’M DUMB!”  My mom had gone home on lunch to find the car gone and went out looking for me!

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