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Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Start Of The Rebellion

10/01  Well it’s been a couple of days.  My blood sugar has been up and down lately.  I guess that has been because of my sleeping habits.  I have been staying awake working on this site and writing a couple of articles.  I wrote another article for EZine called:  “Why Fathers Protect Their Daughters”.    Anyway, I forgot to take my insulin one day and didn’t eat the next day.  My blood sugar ended up being high and low respectively.  I’ll tell you one thing, having Diabetes sucks!  I was even reading an article that even your fecal matter can tell you about your health.  Well isn’t that the “Shit!”  Now I have to check for color, content and “text”ure.  Sound like I’m writing an article, doesn’t it?  It used to be that when I felt my energy level drop and broke out into sweats and shakes, I would just eat and drink a few sodas.  Then the p problem was solved.  Now; with the “Diabetic” title and having to watch everything, it has become a chore.

The “Rebellion Years”, refers to my Junior and Senior years in High School.  You see, the summer between my sophomore and junior year was “blossoming “period, or the “Swan” dilemma.  I grew a few inches and put on a few pounds of muscle.  I was now 6’0” and 185 pounds.  That’s a far cry from 5’8” and 135 pounds.  I traded in my “birth control” spectacles for the trendy glasses and even had contacts my senior year.  A few girls started to notice and I started taking my eyes away from just books. I was a straight A student and school wasn’t very hard.  In fact really didn’t study much.  But with everything going on; extracurricular wise, I had to put some effort into it.  The days of Rock n Roll and Beer Parties had now arrived. And I jumped head first into it didn’t seem to care about the road I was taking and the damage I was already inflicting on my body.  Diabetes was still a foreign language to me, but the shakes and sweats did manifest a few times.  Oh, and when all the Cops were looking for the parties to break up, they might have thought to look closer to home.

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