Man, the pas two weeks have been busy. I apologize to anybody that reads this blog for not commenting the two weeks. A lot of things have been going on have kept me busy well that is not entirely true but I have been doing a lot of work on my other sites. My diabetes has taken a new turn as well. I had a visit to my doctor last week and we went over a few diabetic symptoms that I have been worried about. My fantasy football leagues did some amazing things these last two weeks as well. And now it time for the playoffs in most of them. I’ll let you know what’s up there as well. As far as my Home Business goes, I have done a ton of work there as well. Not it is going to do me much good for now but anybody in the business knows these things take time so I’m not worried. I also have a very hilarious story going back to my senior year in high school that relates to my pre-diabetes days and something I’m still not sure I would change if I wanted to. And as we all know the holidays are in full swing. One of my most dreaded times of the year. Actually I am almost like a scrooge when it comes to this time of the year except when it comes to my daughter. Still, Christmas is a time I wish didn’t come around. Yeah, I know “it’s the spirit” and all that stuff, but it has always been difficult for me. I can’t even enjoy the food this season. Thanksgiving was tough, but this is going to be harder!
So I go and see my doctor last week. I had a couple of issues. It seems that on a consistent basis my blood sugar would be low and I would get serious shakes, sweats and delirium. Other times I wouldn’t be hungry but would have the shakes and my sugar would be low. I couldn’t figure it out. My Diabetes had been going into some type of overdrive or under drive. Well it seems that as far as diabetics go, I had been taking some serious amounts of medicine. This was partly due to get my sugar down fast to get the surgery. Taking insulin, glizipide and metformin all at the same time was just too much. Well as I got my sugar down, changed my diet somewhat and partially exercising, I didn’t need that much medication anymore. So we have dropped the insulin (take only as necessary) and the glizipide. We also change the amount and frequency of motorman. So far, I haven’t had what I call a Diabetic Attack. As it turns out I have also lost some feeling in the first two toes on both of my feet. This is common amongst many diabetics and has to be monitored. I thought it was from all those years working at the prison and in the Marine Corps. Well I have some diabetic medicine for that now as well and have to pay more attention to my feet.
Two weeks ago my fantasy football leagues really kicked some ass!! I only had 5 loses out of 46 teams. 92% winning percentage is awesome in any betting books. I benched Big Ben in a few teams and did really well. Then I forgot to change a few back. One of the teams I had Manning starting. So, last week was the complete opposite. I bombed on most of my teams. I was 38% in winning column. Now the playoffs are starting and it is not as bad as I thought. If you read any previous posts, this is only my second time playing fantasy football and the first time was about 5 years ago. As of now, I have 32 teams heading to the playoffs. Now you also have to factor in that when many players start out the season losing the first few games they give up and never go back to adjusting their teams. This hurts the rest of league as far as competition and kind of skews the rankings toward to end of the year. For example; I am 7-6 in on league and going to the playoffs. That is only due to a few other teams going 2-11 because they just gave up. If they had been competitive, the numbers probably would have been different. But who cares now, I’m in and that’s all that matters. If I was in a paid league, I might have had a chance in a couple of places. I’m 12-1 with one team and 11-2 in another. I’ll talk about Keeper leagues in next week’s post (hopefully). Well it’s a day later and the Steelers just put a “Smackdown” on Cincinnati. Looks like I’m kicking some butt again this weekend.
My Business is moving along at a snail’s pace. There have been a couple of new developments though in my marketing strategies. I found a new article spinner that is out of this world. Best of all, it is free. And, it is far better than any of the paid article spinners on the market. And believe me; I have tried a ton of them. It’s called Spinner Chief and you can pick it up by clicking on the link. I have also been diligently working on directory submission and backlinking. I have decided to concentrate on this and put off on the list building. Quite frankly, I it’s hard to build a list if your website isn’t being seen. And it won’t be seen if is on page 40 of Google. I found some help in Warrior Forum, a Forum for Internet Marketers. There a few people out there to help with Backlinks. I’ve also been trying to redesign some of my other blog; My Affiliate Marketing Site Help are total assholes. Every time a question is asked, it is answered with a question. Basically they don’t want to help unless you are going to pay for it to be done by them. It should be called Site Services and not Site Help. I’m trying to change some colors in a WordPress Theme. I have changed the color numbers in the header but it doesn’t seem to take, and the only thing that “Help” says is “Are you trying to edit template files?” HELLO! It’s the blog jackass!!
Ok so it’s my senior year and we are on a wrestling trip for a weekend. We are staying in motel that is close the border of Mexico. It’s a tournament so there are several teams staying either in the motel or nearby. A buddy of mine and I manage to get 3 six packs of our favorite beverage and a couple of cheerleaders (they bought the beer) have come over to our room. We are keeping it relatively quiet and just playing some cards (no, not strip poker). My buddy and I are thinking we are going to get lucky. Next thing I know they break out a small bottle of tequila and now the party is on. As luck would have it we both drank way too much and passed out before anything “lucky” could happen. I didn’t even remember them leaving. The following day we are puking our guts out on the mat before matches, and I can see the girls off in the background laughing. I’m telling you it right out of the movies, except this happened before all those movies were made. Damn, we were pissed, and you should have seen our coach!! This was one of my first “alcohol and what it can do to your body” speeches that I had outside of my family. The coach was a Diabetic and that was all he could talk about.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I’ll probably be posting again before that, but I want to get the salutations out of the way to focus on other things. God Bless!!
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