09/19 For those of you who are already Diabetic or new to the Diabetes World, this Blog might be a funny and interesting blog. I also hope it is informative to newly diagnosed Diabetics, those who are already diagnosed and the families of Diabetics. I also hope it's informative for me. A very old friend started calling me TDog and over twenty years ago and the name stuck. Let's say I'm over forty (40) years of age (thereabouts) and about two months ago I was diagnosed a "Diabetic". The "Plus" is my Lifestyle prior to becoming a Diabetic and my Lifestyle today which includes a subscription to Lifetrax. If you would like to learn about changing your Lifestyle, from diet to finances to goals, Click Here
A few years ago, I was your typical single parent of beautiful daughter and had a very outgoing lifestyle and knew nothing about Diabetes. I went to work, played softball, attempted (as I call it) to play Golf regularly. I was so infatuated with golf; I had multiple computer and video games on the sport and even bought several help manuals like "The Simple Swing". If you would like to know more about "The Simple Swing", Click Here. I also dated; hit the usual Country Social Scenes and played softball. If you haven’t already guessed, I'm a country music fan. So if you don't like my Country Music Ad then Click Here. More importantly I liked spending time with my daughter. Speaking of my daughter and Diabetes; she is already showing signs of Hypoglycemia, so I guess it runs in the family. Growing up I was undiagnosed Hypoglycemia. My blood sugar would regularly run low and I would eat some food and the symptoms would go away. After of a good night "socializing", my friends would always call the symptoms "The DTs". Of course I always denied it and either had something to eat or partake in some liquid refreshment. The latter seemed to work best (LOL).
I also loved to cook, so I never considered Diabetes a problem. I even wanted to be a Chef and actually attended a prestigious Culinary School. I had outdoor BBQs with my handy BBQ Manual, which you can get by Clicking Here. I always had them by the pool with my friends and neighbors. One of my neighbors was a nurse and would constantly tell me to watch my blood sugar when she observed my "shakes" and "sweats" and tried to inform me about Diabetes. She also recommend that I check some ancient Health Secrets. You can also do that by Clicking Here
Just so you are not too mislead by the name of my blog, I am just writing about certain events in my life that had I made different decisions then, I probably wouldn’t be here right now talking about Diabetes or having surgery. What I can tell you is that in certain circumstance, had I not made some of the dumb mistakes or hilarious FUBARs then I probably wouldn’t have some of the things I am happiest about most in my life. For one thing, I wouldn’t have flooded my whole back yard because I broke a water line with a jackhammer (Where was Angie's List in those days). I didn't even bother to consult the Water Department for blue marks. I also wouldn’t have wrecked five vehicles and two motorcycles in the span of fifteen years. The funny thing is my knee injury is not from any of them. It happened while I was in my former profession and aggravated years later by playing sand volleyball of all thing. One small piece of advice; if you enjoy life like I do, have good insurance and don't play volleyball. In my case, common sense was my enemy.
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