09/24 Okay, so here I am, thinking I got the date with “hot” senior. My best “Bud” is with me and we are looking for a night to remember and brag about come Monday. I had so many chills running through me, someone my think I had my first Diabetic Seizure. She shows up with a girlfriend and……..Three of the biggest guys in the whole school. These are the guys you hide from in the halls. In my small mining town the “geek” or the “nerd” didn’t get stuffed in a locker. If you got in his way, he knocked you out cold. No comments, no laughing, just Bam! You’re on the floor and he’s walking away. I only wish they had Body Sculpting in those days. If you want Body Sculpting Click Here..You think I would take this a second clue that I was just being used. I don’t THINK SO!
The party was up on the “Hill” by the football field. Now our field was unique. It had two goal posts, but only one of them was used. You see; the field was at the top of the hill and if you kicked a ball on at one end, the ball go flying out down to the road below. All extra points and field goals were kicked at one end by both teams. Well, needless to say, my buddy and I had to show that we could handle our liquor. After about one hour (or so I was told), we were totally off our rockers. And that was also where the fun began. We were two young teenagers off their "gord" and stumbling around trying to be “Badass” and attempting to make points with the girls. Before I knew it everybody was laughing and playing Ping-Pong with us. Well that good ole’ liquid courage came sprouting out of me and I took a swing. I missed and then was on the floor. Here’s where its gets really funny, rough, sad disgusting or whatever adjective you want to use. I’m getting kicked, picked up and knocked back down. I wish I was one of my daughter’s “Animes” back then. She gets unlimited legal watch anime online, drama and manga direct downloads. You can get them too by Clicking Here
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